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Solito, Inc.
Solito Solutions
The Solito Solution
Why we are different
How we get results
The Work We Do
Success Stories
Ball Mills
Sag Mills
Mobile Equipment
Consultants couldn't get it done for us.
So we called Solito.
Solito saved us $5 million
in production losses
We could have paid to read about our problems…
Instead, we got solutions
from Solito.
Solito increased our profits
$1.4 million per year
Soltio saves us $270,000…
Every year.
The Solito Solution: Find, Fix, and Facilitate Change
Solito Success Stories
Solito facilitated $240,000 to $5 million increase in productivity by reducing outages.
Ball Mills
$540,000 increase in productivity by reduced outages. $48,000 per year in maintenance savings.
Sag Mills
$247,500 annual increase in productivity through reduced downtime.
Mobile Equipment
Dramatically cleaner lube oil added availability to production at $9,000/hour. 300% life extension.